
Canadian PropTech Map

We have created a structured overview of the Canadian PropTech landscape and make an effort to update the list regularly. We hope it will help you get an overview of the innovation activities in the industry.

PropTech Map
Apply here if you would like to be listed as a Canadian PropTech company.
Request your download for high resolution file or get access to the Canadian PropTech Database with more details.

Canadian PropTech Database
With our databases we provide you easy access to additional information about innovative companies which we think are relevant for the Canadian real estate and construction industry.
Basic Access
Premium Access
Membership Access
Name of all in the map listed companies
Short company description
Link to website
Life cycle activity
Sort function
Filter function
Print option
CSV export
Additional scene insights
Contact details
Database updates incl.
Access fee
CAD 190
CAD 490
on request

Investor Map
We are working on it. Apply now if you are a PropTech investor (VC, CV, BA) and want to be listed on the map.